Pocatello Idaho 2003
Around Pocatello up by Scout Mountain on a road called Rattlesnake Lane my brother and 5 of his friends. Were out late and drove up to Rattlesnake Ln. They came across an old abandoned house. As I was told by him this house was something out of a horror movie, they drove around the back of the house and there was a strange blueish glow coming from one of the windows. They wanted to go in to check it out but decided it was just to freaky to continue the investigation. So they turned around to leave as they were driving away they heard a scream that was not of this earth that sounded like a Mountain lion,Bear and Tiger all mixed into one!! They looked around to see what was there but seen nothing then something happened that took them all by surprise something hit the back passenger side of the car with such a force it knocked the car sideways. My brother was driving and was able to correct the wheels and keep going straight he managed to keep calm enough to drive safely down the windy road even though all his friends were telling him to go faster! He told them no if I drive crazy we might wreck then where will we be? So they got out of there to safety and decided to go back in a pickup and with some guns there was two girls that wanted to come. So they all went back, this time they went into the house but the girls decided to stay in the pickup. While the guys were in the house something started shaking the pickup the girls thought it was the boys playing a trick on them and kept yelling for the boys to quit but it got worse and worse the more they yelled. Finally the girls ran into the house yelling we told you guys to quit!!! They just kept yelling it over and over they were scared out of their minds and one of the girls struck one the boys she was so out of it!! Then they all went outside and they could hear something up on the hill shaking trees they shined a light up on the hill and located where the trees were moving and then the noise would start up somewhere else then they would locate it again and it would move to another location this went on for a few minutes then they decided it was time to get out of there while they still could!! They all got in the pickup and left without any further incident.